Course XI - Teaching 13: Double Cross

Larvae, elementals and lower entities continuously are looking for bread –the vital food.
So, in favorable environments they lie in wait for unwary men that easily open their ethereal potentials to bestial passions.
Sometimes these entities take possession of feeble men, penetrate their soul, and continuously “vampirize” them; and take their vital energies to the point of leading them to commit suicide, and to madness and despair.
But these invisible enemies like to be around luminous souls, in which they feel or see certain power and life –these chosen souls possess very much energy.
But these entities collide with these powerful souls as if the latter were an insurmountable rampart.
That is why advanced souls on the spiritual path, who being totally conscious and awake can defend themselves against these deadly enemies, also have to defend themselves against these entities by night.
During the hours of vegetative and associative dreams, when a human being is especially absorbed in material powers, wicked larvae try to suck his ethereal strength and penetrate the circle of his aura.
Only certain chosen souls know magical formulae that influence elementals, powers of Nature and lower entities.
These formulae should be said in natural “Si”, tending downward.
The formula to drive night entities away, called “Double Cross”, is familiar to Christians as the “Cross of Caravaca”, or the Hymn whose first stanza reads “Te lucis ante terminum”.
But this formula should not be used too much; one has to use it in nightmare case, night oppression, and mournful dream and terror visions.
How to say this formula: the body posture is that of a double cross: seated, or squatting, heels and feet points together, and knees as separate as possible; hands united by their backs, upon the epigastrium, thumbs and fingers points in correspondence, but the latter forward-oriented; elbows separated from the body.
Being immobile, one’s thought focused on the motive of our trouble, we visualize the image of the Double Cross, and looking at the lower vertex and at the same time at the feet, we should say:


Later, we should think of the lower horizontal transverse piece of the Cross, and of the knees, and we should say:


At once we should think of the higher horizontal transversal piece of the Cross, and of the hands, and we should say:


Later we should think of the higher vertex of the Cross, and of the elbows, and we will say:


Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
