Course XI - Teaching 12: Travels

When one starts a journey, as soon as the vehicle moves away, the following prayer should be recited:

“In viam mandatorum tuorum
ambulaveri, Domine”
“Procedamus in pace”

“Let us follow God
“Let us walk in peace.”

“Protecting Spirits, Holy Guardians assigned by God to guide me on the path of Life; Mistic-Pilgrims of the Humanity that know the most hidden and distant paths of the world, protect and guide me on this way, and my steps shall be straight and righteous, for the triumph of good and for the glory of God.”

If the journey is for more than one day, the “Manetras Surica”, the Psalm “In exitu Israel Aegypto”, and the Hymn to the Heavenly Wind should be added.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
