Chapter 3 - Hymn to Maitreya

Beloved Maitreya: dwell in us.
Reveal us the mystery of love.
Immeasurable loneliness of the one that lives among men, but is not human.
And makes himself man in the purest unfathomable act and sacrifice of love.
Purity, eternal life of stainless love.
Alone, and at a time one with the souls.
We call you at the gates of the Divine Sanctuary.
We glorify you so that we may be lifted to Love.
We adore you in the innermost depths of our hearts.
Sink us more and more in the centre of the heart, until ceasing to be a man isolated and lost.
Until ceasing to be an illusion.
I surrender my little heart to your divine hands.
To let fall inside this very secret chamber, where all is quietness, rest and calm.
When one’s heart becomes the heart of the Divine Mother.
May this chest harbor the Divine Heart, infinite and eternal.
Teach us how we should not want any more.
And how we should not feel any more.
And how we should not be any more.
No glance should look at oneself.
No gesture should be of oneself.
To be nothing.
Divine Mystery.
Deprive us of this consciousness which keeps us separate.
Carry us to the Kingdom of the One, Eternal and Infinite Being.
To see just the immutable light.
I would be the Eternity is our gaze remained there motionless.
May remain in one’s soul what is only a tool for your Work.
May every instant of one’s life be to call you, to know you, to adore you.
Making of our daily offering a perfect holocaust.
May my looking at the light be more light for the ones that are alone and helpless.
May my motionless heart be lodge and temple for the one that tries to love by living in the Love.
To call souls, to harbor souls.
And to travel through the way toward the light all together.
Reveal you, and you will Reveal the love of the souls, which will Grow and Expand.
Where are you?
In the innermost, secret centre of every Heart.
Hidden, when one continues to be a little heart.
Luminous, when one renounces to be, and gives room to the Divine Heart.
Moreover, come to our souls right now.
Make of us little grains of this bridge, which you build between Heaven and Earth.
Being immersed in the infinity of your Divine Consciousness.
Take all that I am so that I may not be.
Just the Divine and Eternal Spark should be Yourself.
Teach us how to lead all toward the Eternal Unity.
To the Kingdom of the Ineffability.
Teach us how to discover you in the deepest centre of our heart.
Which contains all.
To break the heart of man, and to melt him in the divine fire so that the eternal heart of the Divine Mother may be revealed.
To be Yourself.
So a life will be Life.
Expansion penetrating the being of all things.
Kindle our vocation with the fire of your Love for the souls.
Make our soul to love until our death.
And to want for oneself the total holocaust which Your soul teaches.
Take me all.
Because if an infinitesimal drop remains, it wounds and is death.
To be Yourself.
Receive us in the invariable centre.
To see us all in one.
There every soul leads the souls. The Unique Heart contains every heart.
Ahehia ote Hes.
Eret Hes ote Ahehia.
