The Immortal Legacy

These Teachings constitute the spiritual legacy of a Master of Wisdom, of the twentieth century, in the end of the Fifth Sub-race, for the future generations of the emerging American Sub-race, since the first day of the third millennium. These Legacy entirely belongs to him and contains the best knowledge that a great mind could keep and synthesize in his short life-span. It is an encyclopaedia of esoteric and philosophic wisdom, which begins in the remotest times of the human presence on the Earth until the most recent events of the last World War, from the astral physiology of man to the inner life of the Earth. Those material and institutional things left by him at death, now are totally destroyed; but the gist, the heart remains of those things which he loved -his Teachings that now, bequeathed without any restrictions, take part in the mystical body of the Mankind.

The Teachings are not classified. Somewhere the author tries a provisional and general classification; the Universal Teachings of any tradition and time, which you can find printed: Vedas, the Bible, et cetera, and the Teachings of Cafh, transmitted by an Astral Master, the Monitor (Savonarola), to the Founder, by means of the Doctrine of the Renunciation. There is a third Teaching of the Orators, which is an oral transmission.

At this point we can say that when Bovisio says Cafh, he refers to the Order of Fire, universal and permanent, whose astral original form became the modern terrestrial Order that is subject to birth and death, such as it occurred.

This Collection contains 37 books of different extension, and every one generally comprises 16 chapters or Teachings. Each Teaching deals with a specific subject and constitutes a unity which can be read regardless of the rest and will not lose clarity. All the Teachings are actually interrelated, not only in every book or course, but in the entire Collection. Many times, the Master Santiago said that the Teaching is only one -permanent, continuous, without fissure. Certain varied -and sometimes apparently contradictory- expressions that here you can observe become facets that promote a richer and easier understanding of the Teaching.

There are many titles, and our work by means of this commentary does not try a rational systematization by matters, but simply a help to gather and look for subjects and inner relationships of every reader. In this first try, we offer six related groups of books.

Group A: Books on History; 6 titles.
Group B: Books on Philosophy; 3 titles.
Group C: Doctrinal Books; 11 titles.
Group D: Books on Mystical Ascesis; 7 titles.
Group E: Esoteric Books; 5 titles.
Group F: Books on Communities; 4 titles.

Their placement does not mean any rank, but a simple arrangement. The unity of knowledge lies in every Teaching, not in the book. The Teaching contains concepts aimed at a unitary transmission, which the Orator loudly expressed during Meetings. Usually, the hearer kept the written page for his consideration; later, all these pages were returned and burnt in the end of the year. Certain non-returned pages remained are kept, and constitute the basis of this Internet Collection, after a long search.

Group A: Books on History

History is the science that studies the human becoming by means of verifiable information sources, mainly written; it begins in Greece and greatly grows in the modern age by discoveries of lost civilizations and by the exhumation of their relics. But it cannot go across the barrier of four or five thousand years back in spite of its projection toward universal historic systems.

The History offered by the Master Santiago is different because appeals to other research tools, which academic historians do not possess. It is also science, but of different -esoteric- laws, an intimate and direct knowledge of events told by a higher mind. This History uses ancient traditions, graphic and conceptual symbology, decoding of cryptic texts, superphysical revelations, shining images of the Akashic Annals, clairvoyance of the author, and other unknown sources.

When J.R.R. Tolkien describes in the Ainulindalë, of his Silmarillion, the creation of the worlds and the work of the Powers -which does not differ too much from the Cosmogony of “The Planetary System”- offers a wonderful story of mythological science-fiction; the Master Bovisio makes esoteric science, and his sources are the same: the Grotto of Ras. In his “The Aleph”, J.L. Borges writes a tale of fantastic realism about a point of this Grotto, -a personal and intimate matter. In his Teaching entitled “The Grotto of Ras” (VII.7), Bovisio describes and explains this phenomenon. Borges was regularly present during the meetings at the house of the painter Xul Solar, where Bovisio spoke about these subjects. Perhaps there Borges found motivation for his famous tale.

In Bovisio’s view, the History of man begins with the first individuation, with the formation of astral bodies trying to inhabit physical bodies in the first terrestrial Races, millions of years ago. Remnants of this knowledge can be found in holy books of religions, for instance, Vedas, Popol Vuh, the Bible, Assyrian tablets, the Stanzas of Dzian, and so on. The Master Santiago directly consulted the Akashic Annals, so as H.P. Blavatsky did.

Historical books are as follows:
Book IV: History of Man.
Book V: Great Initiates of the Aryan Race.
Book VI: Great Initiates of Fire.
Book XVI: History of the Esoteric Orders.
Book XXIII: Comparative Religion.
Book XXIV: Ten Great Religions.
Book XXVI: Anthropogenesis.

How to read these weird books? In them there are matters, personalities and places never mentioned anywhere, and even especial historic figures under new raiment, like Cleopatra, Catherine of Medici, Innocent III and other celebrities; the Atlantis, three-metre-tall Lemurians, the Hyperborean Race and many other amazing and fascinating things. These pages should be read such as they are written, with simplicity, kindness and sincerity. If your intentions are to learn, you should open not only your intellect, but also your heart.

Group B: Books on Philosophy

The author divides Philosophy into three great branches, according to the old classification. 1) Cosmodicea; 2) Andrology; and 3) Rasic Philosophy. Moreover, he enumerates different disciplines or thought schools, like Physics, Ethics, et cetera. The only modern exponent which he quotes in relation to Rasic Philosophy is H.P. Blavatsky and her universally known book The Secret Doctrine, And he adds: “To know the true History… you need to see it in the Registry of the Seventh Plane, on the Mental World”. The Master Santiago saw the History at will, and many Teachings of this Collection come from the above mentioned Annals.
Three books form the group of Philosophy:

Book XIII: Philosophy.
Book XXVI: Theology
Book XXVII: Cosmogony.
These three books are interconnected, and account for the evolution of the human knowledge throughout times and different civilizations.

The author is very wary about Cosmogony. He says: “In a didactical way, as a study and certain ‘rules’, we may say that Cosmogony is mere speculation”. But he gives materials that you cannot find anywhere. He says: “In the Temple of Ahehia, in Kaor, on the black and conic stone of the Divine Mother Hes' sepulchre, mystical signs reveal the History of the Universe”. And later he transcribes, develops and accounts for them in the following Teachings.

The Master Santiago places Theology on the summit of Philosophy, and even on that of any human knowledge. And in Chapter 13 he speaks about the unique Great Revelation, imparted by Manu in the beginning of the Aryan Race, which is the source of revelations in all religions. And he holds that this Revelation still can be discovered somewhere on the Earth. He says: “This Revelation will be discovered before the end of the present Race-Root so that all revelations may recover their unity”.

Group C: Doctrinal Books

This section is enormous: 170 Teachings of very varied nature, mainly related to the named “Teachings of Cafh”, astrally inspired by the Monitor, and collected by the Master Santiago. Like an immense river, like the grand Amazon, this section takes tributaries from the high peaks of America, and unites with the river mother to pour its waters on the Ocean of the Humanity.

They are eleven books in all:
Book I: Spiritual Development.
Book II: Sacrifice.
Book XI: Inner Life.
Book XII: Spiritual Life in Cafh. Book XVIII: The Way to Renunciation.
Book XIX: Messages.
Book XXVIII: Renunciation.
Book XXXI: The Good Path.
Book XXXIV: Commentaries on the Regulation of Cafh.
Book XXXV: Renunciation in the World nd in the Souls.
Book XXXVII: Ceremonials, Prayers and Hymns.

The reduced space of these commentaries impedes approaching these vast Courses, not only by the volume of their pages, but also by their inherent difficult concepts. This is the gist of the Doctrine of Renunciation, developed in all forms and with implications and contacts with other aspects of the human knowledge. So these words are a suggestive presentation to encourage its reading and study. Later particularly we will consider every Teaching as their related motivations appear. Even there are paragraphs of two lines, or certain concrete term which requires of a didactic extension connected with other texts.

Group D: Books on Mystical Ascesis

They are seven books in all, and deal with any forms of prayer, in addition to the two last books about gymnastics and postures, which are a help to pray.
Book IX: Ascetics of Prayer.
Book XIV: Mystical Ascetics.
Book XV: Affective Meditation.
Book XXIX: Discursive Meditation. Book XXX: Contemplative Vocation.
Book XXXII: Cafh’s Gymnastics.
Book XXXIII: Postures.

Santiago Bovisio taught meditation to thousands of peoples who had no idea about prayer. On a cultural environment like Argentina, of habits that still are colonial, from the first half of century, prayer consisted only of Christian prayer, without independent institutions teaching meditation. At present, this is a little different thanks to practices of Indian Yoga, very distorted and not too much lofty.

On this Teachings you will know the deepest techniques to practice meditation, concentration, contemplation, of discursive, sensitive, intellectual and affective kind, simple quietness and that of postures and related gymnastics, about the most diverse subjects derived from the Ancient Symbology. Bovisio teaches how to differentiate real effects in exercises from self-suggestion effects, and warns about mystical deviations and their dangers, et cetera. This constitutes a complete treatise about Prayer on the highest mystical level, which can be consulted any time. He discards strongly any ascetic practice of psychism, mind power and increase of harmful, magnetic soul energies. Finally, the exalt those mystical ascetical exercises not achieved from the beginning of the path, which deprive the soul of material attachments.

Group E: Esoteric Books

As we said above, Santiago Bovisio was a being of unusual parapsychological powers since his birth. Fortunately educated by a comprehensive and tender family in a Christian pious environment, the Passion Order Institute imparted him support and understanding on his difficult adolescence stage at school. All this culminated when he entered the Order of Fire, in Venice, with the best teachers of the world and archives of wisdom as no other in Europe. At the age of 21 he was already formed, and after his Perpetual Vows, he left for America where he would achieve his giant work. He stayed, moved and spoke at ease in two different worlds (in our view) at the same time, but these two worlds were only one whole to him: astral and physical one. So the Atlantean world was before losing the pineal eye, and so the future men will be after recovering it.

On these esoteric books you can approach superphysical experiences of a being who experienced them day by day, even amid the turmoil of Buenos Aires. You can accept or reject them, however you like, but you will not stop admiring yourself at the wonderful universe that is not seen, but that acts in us continuously.

In this section you will find books about ancient symbols helping over meditation, others about adventures of the being in the intermediate world which dies and later is born again, generally about 600 years after death, one book about astral colors and their meanings, and in addition one about Planets, and their formation and death.

This part consists of five books:
Book III: Archaic Symbology.
Book VII: The Becoming.
Book VIII: Science of Life.
Book X: Astral Life.
Book XVII: The Planetary System.

Today there are bookstores filled with esoteric books written by authors who never saw anything, but copied a lot. Also there are many esoteric groups practicing exercises and organizing tours to magical places. On times of unrest and fear, masses of the great cities seek refuge in dark powers that they do not understand, from the violence in stadiums, and the escape through drugs and sex, to the psychical aberration of unknown magical practices which drive them crazy.

The esoteric science is luminous, enlightening and curative, and the astral radiation is shining radiation in which our invisible protectors stay and work so that also we may be good. To approach this science and knowledge, our heart should be deprived of any stains because light repels them. As you read these pages, you will come into contact with a Master of Wisdom who wrote these things with his heart.

Group F: Books of Communities

Book XX: Superiors of Community.
Book XXI: Intimacy of the Perfect.
Book XXII: Interpretation for the Ordained of Community.
Book XXXVI: Lectures at Embalse.
As we are in Argentina and in modern times, nothing better to approach these experiences of the youth than to read the Lectures at Embalse. At Embalse of Río III, Cordoba province, close to Calamuchita lake, you find the first Women Community founded by the Master Santiago after enormous sacrifice. Particularly they were devoted to educate poor children sent by the Patronato de Menores (Juvenile Board). Many of these Lectures refer to the education of children. But the main purpose is perfection in a life of Renunciation, as you may read it on these Courses. They were young women who had chosen this life style. On the Regulation Observance you will notice that on Saturday evenings and before the supper, there was a Lecture during about half an hour, in the Chapel. When the Master Santiago was present in the Community, he conducted it not only personally, but also gave these Lectures.

Their subjects were very varied and about any important matters occurred in the Life of Community. It is like certain approach to consecrated souls. The intimacy of a life like that is inaccessible to an outsider, even being present, but in the Teachings of the Founder you can find like an echo of a wonderful music, like the perfume of a flower that is not here any more, or like the hope of a better world. Now, by means of these Masterly Teachings, this Hope takes part in the Mystical Body of the Humanity.
