Commentaries on Cafh´s Regulation

Course IX - Teaching 11: The Solitary

The Sons belonging to Tables of the Solitary as such have a series of peculiar duties. Besides those spiritual exercises indicated in the respective teaching, the Solitary must attend monthly to a particular conference with the Superior of the Table.

Course IX - Teaching 12: The Ordained

In the Regulation there are few rules related to the Ordained. They are totally subject to the will of the Knight Great Master, and their duties are established in the Regulation in a general way.

Course IX - Teaching 13: Knight Masters

The Knight Master is the supreme authority in the Table. His mission is to watch as a father over the spiritual, moral and material concerns of the Sons trusted to him.

Course IX - Teaching 14: Vows

With extraordinary exceptions, the soul does not keep the mystical fervor with the same intensity. Periodical enthusiasm and discouragement mark the path toward God. The triumph is of those that, despite their state or stage, never lose sight of the forged ideal.

Course IX - Teaching 15: Attributes, Habits and Festivities in Cafh

Esoteric Orders have used attributes and habits from immemorial times. Also Cafh has its own attributes and habits. The attribute has a value that is symbolic and real at a time.

Course IX - Teaching 16: Superiors

The Secretary Great Master is assisted in his labor by the Knight Secretary Master that he chooses in the Full Moon Assembly every five years among the Knight Masters of his Table.