
Course XXIX - Teaching 1: First Four Root Races Synthesized

There are seven Root Races in the Terrestrial Round. Beings had perfected their astral body in the Lunar Round, but were in need of a physical body to achieve a perfect material experience.

Course XXIX - Teaching 2: Uranian Race

The Lunar Round had achieved its mission and granted perfect human bodies to monads, but it needed to take the last and more important step, because those beings had to descend and know the gross, material word.

Course XXIX - Teaching 3: Hyperborean Race

Aeolus, the swift god of the winds was cleaning the terrestrial atmosphere of all its impurities from one place to another; and the Sun was constantly shining with clearer luminosity than today.

Course XXIX - Teaching 4: Stages of the Hyperborean Race

An exact division of its sub-races is unknown in the anthropologic development of the Hyperborean Race; but one can differentiate a series of evolutionary states that could be called “stages”.

Course XXIX - Teaching 5: Lemurian Race

Buried under the waters of the Pacific Ocean, a land that mainly formed a part of the Lemurian Continent remains intact. The student may use more easily the name the continent of the third Root-Race “Lemuria”, after the geologist P.

Course XXIX - Teaching 6: Three First Lemurian Sub-races

The first sub-race, called Za, evolved while the Lemurian Continent was being formed; this sub-race was totally like the last Hyperborean sub-race. These beings were almost continuously lying down, and their reproduction was through eggs.

Course XXIX - Teaching 7: Fourth and Fifth Lemurian Sub-races

It was the solemn hour for the cycle of angels made men. As a result of more and convulsions of the planet and the Solar light filtered through thick curtains of clouds, there was a significant polar aurora on the reddish earth, and this indicated that certain extraordinary event was about to occur.

Course XXIX - Teaching 8: Sixth and Seventh Lemurian Sub-races

The sixth Lemurian sub-race, called Mo-Za-Moo, started with the fight of men against monsters. The latter prevailed on the west side of the Continent, and creeping, flying or swimming periodically invaded the central Continent and destroyed thousands of Lemurians.

Course XXIX - Teaching 9: Glacial Miocene Era

After the destruction of Lemuria, the oceanic waters covered almost entirely the globe, because the new Continent, where the Atlantean Race stayed, slowly emerged from the seas and was like immense lakes; this new land was destined to gestate under the ice.

Course XXIX - Teaching 10: Atlantean Race

There were two great glacial periods during the Atlantean era, followed by other less intense periods, which lasted one Saturn year (30 years). This was a natural reaction against quite torrid periods on the Earth.