In precedent lessons we have explained the course of two great fundamental religions in the beginning of the Aryan Race. Pure Aryans founded a human religion that, by contact with Aryan Semites, became Human-Divine.
Peoples of the Aryan Atlanteans had received from the Great Instructors of this race the truths of its religions. These truths, strengthened by the perceptive psychic power of this race, were of an entirely intuitive character.
After fighting during 1,500 years, the Aryans that migrated to Central Asia handed down the Revelation and Tradition of a splendid Religion to their descendants; millenary Vedas conveyed this religion. Vedas, which means “pure science”, are a series of hymns and chants that those ancient people usually offered to their gods; in the beginning, they did not write down these hymns, but conveyed them orally from generation to generation.
Aryan established all their religions, philosophies, laws, letter and arts on Vedas.
The Upanishads and Sutras, which are moral and philosophy of Hinduism, are vast commentaries on early texts based on their religion.
Ancient Egypt extended beyond the north-west side of Africa to an island that now is entirely sunk. The first five dynasties of imprecise memory belonged totally to the Atlantean race.
The memory of the Divine Atlantean Religion promoted among the Egyptians the worship of Solar gods: Ra (the sun), Atonu (Solar god), and Shour, Anuri and Amon (gods of days).
In former lessons we have explained the course of two fundamental great religions in the beginning of the Aryan Race. Vedas founded a human religion that later became Human-Divine. The Egyptians preserved a divine religion, that later became Divine-Human.
Like two immense rivers that meet and come together, the ancient divine religion of the Atlanteans and the new religion of Vedas meet and flourished in the emerging Aryan race.
The Assyrians were destined to form a Semitic religion par excellence. They became strong, indomitable and combative, since Assyria’s destiny was to remain detached at al costs from continuous wars, because it was surrounded by hostile powers.
As Aryan civilizations succeeded one another, religions experienced changes, modifications and transformations.
On the basin of the Tigris, in Central Asia, the strong and indomitable Assyrians stayed, and soon they grew up, developed a powerful civilization.