Course XXVIII - Teaching 6: Arrangement of Religions

In former lessons we have explained the course of two fundamental great religions in the beginning of the Aryan Race. Vedas founded a human religion that later became Human-Divine. The Egyptians preserved a divine religion, that later became Divine-Human.
So we have two fundamental religions, namely, Vedic religion and Egyptian religion.
The one and the other alternately defeated, surpassed, assimilated and degraded one another, but ultimately the purpose was the triumph of Vedic religion and the disappearance of Egyptian religion. Vedas founded a human religion that became Divine; while the Egyptians disappear along with their people, after delivering to men the treasure of their Divine Religion.
The two great Vedic and Egyptian currents were founders of ten great religions in the ancient world until the advent of Buddhism.
Vedas promoted the religions of Chaldeans, Persians, Greeks, Gauls and Romans.
The Egyptians fostered religions of Assyrians, Sargonides, Indians, Israelites and Mongolians.
These ten great religions molded the Idea-Mother of the Aryan Race, a fight between spirit and matter, a balance of pairs of opposites, and a hard fight between human reason and divine intuition.
Chaldeans, Persians and Greeks were of white skin, and great promoters of life and civilization by their own efforts. They are a glimpse of what a man can achieve only by his will and discernment. The Gauls, swarms of forgotten Aryans in lands of central Europe had as their mission to preserve the religion of Nature as pure as possible.
The Romans, formed by Greek refinement and pushed by a way of barbarians from the north, formed between these two currents the strongest religion of our race, because Christendom and our entire current civilization were based on them.
In their origin, the Assyrians and Sargonides were of dark skin and conveyed the Divine Religion of the Egyptians by means of their extraordinary development, which was more intuitive than rational.
The Indians preserved the early Egyptian religion through their gods and magical rites.
The Israelites have as their mission to keep in their religion the concept of a Unique and Personal God, by perpetuating themselves in the entire course of the Aryan Race like living symbol of our race itself.
The Mongolians were those who transmitted those high Confucius’ and Lao-tse’s teachings.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
