Substantial Union

Reflection N° 57 - The Power of the Great Current

The Ired Blessing says, “Divine Mother of the Universe: I beg your Ired blessing. By you I am united by an eternal vote of union with all those Sons of Cafh, who were, are and will be.

Course IV - Teaching 16: Substantial Union with the Divine Mother

Constantly the soul wishes the spiritual liberation and Divine Union as its supreme and unique good. Cafh is the mean to achieve it. Cafh attracts predestined souls and leads them to achieve the Substantial Union with the Divine Mother.

Course VII - Teaching 4: Expansion

Inner values of the Son acquire sublimation and force when he renounces to his physical, mental and emotional movements that lead him to seclude mystically the soul and offer his life.

Course VII - Teaching 5: Participation

The Son’s spiritual path aims at participating in the Great Work, whose task allows achieving the Substantial Union. Participation means to take part in a thing or to share it.

Course VII - Teaching 16: Divine Reversibility

Cafh takes active part in forming the future man by molding this man in its bosom even now. The image of the future man is realized on the Initiated Son, Priest of Cafh.

Course X - Teaching 1: Renunciation as action

General synthesis: A detached action. A detached action in front of social, economic and religious troubles. A detached action in front of the world: knowledge of history. Ired’s adaptation (the reversibility method applied) to developing action.

Course X - Teaching 4: Cycles of Passive asceticism in Cafh

Stability radius: settlement, adaptation, patience, routine and wait. Power of the Great Current: Permanence, comprehensive passivity, non-operation. Substantial Union: Operative exchange. Egocentric impersonality. Capacity to use all (physical, psychical and mental) means to achieve the result of a purpose.

Course X - Teaching 5: Renunciation as Mystique

The Divine Union cannot be achieved on Earth. Its achievement is potential particular individually. Substantial Union: The soul achieves the individual Union through Cafh’s means. This Union continues in him even after his return to the permanent ordinary state in a substantial form by participating with the Mystical Cafh’s Body in this state of permanent Union achieved by the soul of Cafh.

Course X - Teaching 10: Renunciation as Inner Mystique

Cafh, master of truth, has given the definition in an absolute way, with only one word, about the ever-existent problem of any mystic: what the Divine Union is and if this Divine Union can be achieved.

Course IX - Teaching 2: Cafh

Souls are in tune one another through Cafh. Cafh makes an abstraction of the worldly personality of its members for it reunites certain individuals only through the magnetic thread of their souls.