Saint Therese

Course V - Teaching 13: Renunciation as Holocaust

Renunciation, as a permanent, living holocaust, is not only a unique good and mean of salvation for a soul that has assumed it, but also the unique mean to help the world and redeem Humanity.

Course V - Teaching 14: Conquest of Souls through Renunciation

A soul that renounces and devotes to God, through this renunciation becomes responsible for the spiritual progress of all souls in the world. All beings have a mission and become responsible for its fulfillment, but the most extraordinary and highest responsibility is that of consecrated souls.

Course X - Teaching 8: Renunciation as Asceticism

I shall deal with the so important problem of asceticism. The reading of books and practical experiences did not achieve other thing than to mix up theoretical, practical and personal knowledge that of course confuses the souls.

Course X - Teaching 9: Cycles of Passive Asceticism in Cafh

Asceticism considered in Cafh could seem harmful or helpless, but this is not true at all. Individual asceticism is harmful, but asceticism practiced (even by the Son) by the man in order to attain an experience and later put this asceticism in the mystical body, is helpful.