
Reflection N° 75 - The Radiant Barrier

In precedent Reflection # 74 we have stated: Maitreya, the Great Solar Initiate, has established by means of his Global Planetary Aura, a barrier wrapping and penetrating us with no exception, and that this mark fixes an inflection point between the characteristic involution of the human history since the beginning and the new evolutionary way opening the American Sakib’s Age.

Reflection N° 68 - No Fight

From my armchair, strategically placed at a corner in the hall, by the fire, I can see a parade of world events moving in multiple directions and at different rates.

Course XXIX - Teaching 1: First Four Root Races Synthesized

There are seven Root Races in the Terrestrial Round. Beings had perfected their astral body in the Lunar Round, but were in need of a physical body to achieve a perfect material experience.

Course XXIX - Teaching 14: Last Two Atlantean Sub-races

The new sub-race of the Akkadians has emerged throughout the eastern coast of the present Atlantic Ocean. They grew up slowly, while the Semites were fighting against their deadly enemies, the Turanians, called the Rakshasha in the Ramayana.