Great Current

Course VII- Teaching 11: Intimate Obedience

The Vow of obedience is essentially an act of mystic and spiritual love. The Son can travel through certain stretch of the spiritual path with will effort, but he must set aside his will at certain point where routes acquire a transcendent character.

Course VII - Teaching 15: Real Priesthood

An invariable and unavoidable question arises about the motive of renunciation when, even with unusual ecstatic fullness, certain people experience pleasures of the material world, which are as much sensual as intellectual.

Course X - Teaching 4: Cycles of Passive asceticism in Cafh

Stability radius: settlement, adaptation, patience, routine and wait. Power of the Great Current: Permanence, comprehensive passivity, non-operation. Substantial Union: Operative exchange. Egocentric impersonality. Capacity to use all (physical, psychical and mental) means to achieve the result of a purpose.

Course X - Teaching 8: Renunciation as Asceticism

I shall deal with the so important problem of asceticism. The reading of books and practical experiences did not achieve other thing than to mix up theoretical, practical and personal knowledge that of course confuses the souls.

Course X - Teaching 9: Cycles of Passive Asceticism in Cafh

Asceticism considered in Cafh could seem harmful or helpless, but this is not true at all. Individual asceticism is harmful, but asceticism practiced (even by the Son) by the man in order to attain an experience and later put this asceticism in the mystical body, is helpful.

Course IX - Teaching 2: Cafh

Souls are in tune one another through Cafh. Cafh makes an abstraction of the worldly personality of its members for it reunites certain individuals only through the magnetic thread of their souls.

Course IX - Teaching 4: Knight Great Master

Cafh is one and its ruling head is one too, and the Knight Great Master possesses this unique and supreme authority. The Great Work demands that the different spiritual works carried out for the souls must be represented as a whole not through disturbed minds or through well-meant individuals and efforts lacking consistency but through a unique expression of their labor, ideal and will to do well.

Course IX - Teaching 5: Sons

The Divine Mother wanted members of Cafh to have an original name, and the Regulation calls them Sons. While other Orders have name their members brothers, with a prevalence of the link of those that are united by one and the same faith or ideal, Cafh does not make prevail the link of members among them, which could give rise to the word “brothers”, but the link between members and the Divine Mother: Sons and Mother, Sparks and Fire, Rivers and Sea.

Course IX - Teaching 8: Duties of the Sons

Cafh’s labor particularly influences those souls that form groups of seven Sons each in order to get the spiritual teaching. Each group has its characteristic, labor and mission; thence the Sons of one Table never assemble entirely, but by forming groups, with the exception of certain event or established festivity.

Course IX - Teaching 9: Benefits of the Sons

Cafh is a living body. Cafh develops and grows as the Sons express fervor, respect and dedication to it, as an organization or as a group of souls. The Great Current is the sum of efforts and energies brought by Holy Masters and Great Beings from immemorial times to help men realize their divine purposes in them.