Divine Will

Course VII - Teaching 1: Renunciation and Renunciations

Renunciation is one; Renunciation is Substantial Union. The soul aspires to find this grand end as the goal of its efforts –it is a summit to climb just symbolically, since the Union begins to be obvious in the soul as soon as the desired perfection leads him to tread on the Path.

Course VII - Teaching 5: Participation

The Son’s spiritual path aims at participating in the Great Work, whose task allows achieving the Substantial Union. Participation means to take part in a thing or to share it.

Course VII - Teaching 6: Redeeming Participation

It is indispensable and indisputable that the Son must take part in the redeeming task of the Divine Incarnation for the salvation of beings and the individual being. But this potential redemption of the Divine Incarnation can be effective by updating it on each being; to this purpose, the Divine Incarnation has to be transformed and made effective in him.

Course V - Teaching 12: Tibetan Disciples

In Tibet there is an extraordinary mystique related to death and mystical death, and the Sons need to know it. In old days, the mystique of death was an ordinary thing.

Course XVI - Teaching 15: The Master’s Teaching

As the disciple glimpses the hidden power living in him and treads on his path of inner realization, he claims, moans and invokes the Mystical Presence: “Master of mine: You are here, You are, and I am not.