Divine Mother

Course IV - Teaching 16: Substantial Union with the Divine Mother

Constantly the soul wishes the spiritual liberation and Divine Union as its supreme and unique good. Cafh is the mean to achieve it. Cafh attracts predestined souls and leads them to achieve the Substantial Union with the Divine Mother.

Course VI - Teaching 1: Worship of Love - 1947

In the name of the Holy Masters. They take from our hands lilies of the offering to plant them in the closed orchard of the Great Current, taking for sure that they will multiply on fertile lands blessed by the Divine Mother.

Course VII - Teaching 3: Presence

The Stability Radius is determined by the vibratory field emanated from the place where the souls are centered in order to achieve the Whole Great Work. The Stability Radius is image and material figure of OM HES.

Course VII - Teaching 4: Expansion

Inner values of the Son acquire sublimation and force when he renounces to his physical, mental and emotional movements that lead him to seclude mystically the soul and offer his life.

Course VII - Teaching 8: Silence of Silences

The Man that lives in the bustle and turmoil of the world can place in his soul only manifestations of incomplete and imperfect love. The realization of the true love requires to be canalized through silence.

Course VII - Teaching 9: Fidelity of Fidelities

Renunciation, offering and love are the Path of the Cafh’s Sons. It is a path of renunciation because takes part in the fundamental law with which Cafh develops the spiritual vocation.

Course VII- Teaching 11: Intimate Obedience

The Vow of obedience is essentially an act of mystic and spiritual love. The Son can travel through certain stretch of the spiritual path with will effort, but he must set aside his will at certain point where routes acquire a transcendent character.

Course VII - Teaching 16: Divine Reversibility

Cafh takes active part in forming the future man by molding this man in its bosom even now. The image of the future man is realized on the Initiated Son, Priest of Cafh.

Course V - Teaching 3: Presence of the Eternal Hour

To renounce is to overcome a dimensional time to live a time that is expansive, immense and eternal. But these words sound very hollow and theatrical if you do not try to live and grasp them within, by transforming the sense of time into eternal reality.

Course V - Teaching 7: Renunciation as Salvation

Renunciation –understood as unique salvation of the world, taken with Holy Vows, and daily lived through acts and rhythm of Community– inevitably leads to a mystique and to certain way of expansive inner life.