Courses on History

Course XXVIII - Teaching 3: Brahmanism

Aryan established all their religions, philosophies, laws, letter and arts on Vedas. The Upanishads and Sutras, which are moral and philosophy of Hinduism, are vast commentaries on early texts based on their religion.

Course XXVIII - Teaching 5: Egyptian Gods

The memory of the Divine Atlantean Religion promoted among the Egyptians the worship of Solar gods: Ra (the sun), Atonu (Solar god), and Shour, Anuri and Amon (gods of days).

Course XXVIII - Teaching 6: Arrangement of Religions

In former lessons we have explained the course of two fundamental great religions in the beginning of the Aryan Race. Vedas founded a human religion that later became Human-Divine. The Egyptians preserved a divine religion, that later became Divine-Human.

Course XXVIII - Teaching 7: The Chaldeans

Like two immense rivers that meet and come together, the ancient divine religion of the Atlanteans and the new religion of Vedas meet and flourished in the emerging Aryan race.

Course XXVIII - Teaching 8: The Assyrians

The Assyrians were destined to form a Semitic religion par excellence. They became strong, indomitable and combative, since Assyria’s destiny was to remain detached at al costs from continuous wars, because it was surrounded by hostile powers.

Course XXVIII - Teaching 9: The Persians

As Aryan civilizations succeeded one another, religions experienced changes, modifications and transformations. On the basin of the Tigris, in Central Asia, the strong and indomitable Assyrians stayed, and soon they grew up, developed a powerful civilization.

Course XXVIII - Teaching 11: The Greeks

In the Egean islands, a barbaric people grew up, which would become origin of the Celts and founder of Greece. Seemingly, destiny will leave in the deepest darkness and abandonment those peoples that had to be founders of great races and glorious dynasties.

Course XXVIII - Teaching 13: The Gauls

The Celts gave rise to the Greeks, Macedonians and Carthaginians; these peoples were beautiful, strong, warlike, versatile and lovers of Nature. The origin of the Romans is very obscure because the Etruscans, ancient remnants of the Iranians, and the Sabinians, inhabitants of the Latium, were of Aryan-Semite origin; but in Sicily and throughout the coast of Calabria Italic people lived, of pure Celtic race, who eventually make their lands thrive and, mixed with other peoples, founded the Roman caste.

Course XXVIII - Teaching 14: The Israelites

An expanded Semitic people throughout different places of Asia, which were nomadic tribes, became strong peoples, like the Phoenicians, Arameans and, on lower scale, the Moabites. But others rejected sedentary life and preferred the desert to the city, the country tent to the comfortable house, and the unleavened bread of natural furnace to tasty dishes.

Course XXVIII - Teaching 15: The Romans

The Racenians –who eventually after centuries were called Etruscans– were an extraordinary civilization; this is proven even today by remnants of monuments discovered in excavations made in those missing cities.