Cafh gives to its Sons not only tools for their spiritual health, but also what they need to keep and increase their physical strength by themselves and by their own efforts.
This gymnastics, connected with several exercises of Anatomical-Functional Gymnastics, can be practiced but not combined with other gymnastics.
Respiration for heart recovery:
In lateral or at attention position, breathe out very deeply and later breathe in while raising at the same time the arms at both sides until the horizontal position.
Relaxation exercises
Relaxation exercises are distributed among the following groups of exercises, but also can be practiced irrespective of other gymnastics. You should breathe regularly during their practice. Exercises referred to one member, should be inverted and also practiced with the other member.
Preparatory Exercises I
Positions. Learn correct positions. At attention position. Lateral position. Passage position. Tiptoe position. In each position, raise arms high up; raise arms at your sides until the horizontal line; raise arms forward until the horizontal line.
Preparatory Exercises III
25) Lateral position. Wide position, parallel feet and arms raised high up. Rotate and bend your trunk downwards to left, by bending at the same time the left knee, while breathing out.
Preparatory exercises V
49) Lateral position. Join hands on your back. Trace circles with your head, to left and right, while you keep a normal breath (Figure number 61).
50) Knelt on the ground.
Somewhat Difficult Exercises I
At attention position. Feet entirely together, arms horizontally stretched forward. Rotate trunk to right, and later to left with elastic insistence, while you breathe out at the same time.
Somewhat difficult exercises III
25) Natural position. Arms high up and natural. Both arms trace a circle at the left side of the body, through short drive of knees. Alternately, one circle at the left side and another circle at the right side.
Lateral position. Rotation of head to left, and later to right, while you offer resistance with your hand leaned on the chin. Later, the same with left hand. Four times each (Figure number 122).
Lateral position. Arms stretched horizontally at both sides. Move arms several times backwards-upwards with elastic movement. Keep head and body immobile (The beginner can bend head backward). This stretches chest muscles and strengthens dorsal muscles.