Ascetic Mystic Courses

Course XIX - Teaching 1: Value of the Postures

The ancient masters have highly developed the science of postures. Unfortunately, just a fragmented knowledge about this wisdom reaches our times through the Hindu people, but its true meaning is not grasped because currently people makes the mistake of analyzing everything separately and do nor look for relations with the Unity.

Course XVII - Teaching 1: Contemplative Vocation

All men are destined to divine contemplation. Worldly life is opposite to contemplative life, and that is why people do not understand what contemplation is. Two opposite things cannot be real in themselves.

Course XIX - Teaching 2: Degeneration in Postures

The noble upright posture, acquired by men after millennia, is an emblem of his evolutionary state, distorted at present by usual human postures, curved and asymmetric, which faithfully reflect human depressions, limitations and disharmonies.

Course XVII - Teaching 2: Absorption

In essence, life of prayer usually is deep absorption. In these states of prayer, you shall find this inner point: participation. If on any ascetic-mystical path certain time is established for prayer and spiritual exercises, not always the latter are enough for absorption when the soul reduces prayer to them.

Course XIX - Teaching 3: The Spinal Column

A right placement of the spinal column depends entirely upon a higher perfection grade in postures. Many ancient postures have been devised in such way that during their practice are forcing the spine to its right position.

Curso XVII - Teaching 3: State of Absorption

To speak about absorption does not mean a sensible state that a soul enjoys in certain type of prayer without distractions. Even absorption is not a natural self-concentration produced by activities that require of attention, or of more or less intense concentration on daily duties.

Course XIX - Teaching 4: Exercises for Straightening of the Spinal Column

In natural human postures, the spinal column should form a line with very light undulations, but usually in most men convexity more or less marked in their backs can be found on the upper area of the spine (chyphosis).

Course XVII - Teaching 4: Contemplative Life

Contemplation does not detach you from contingencies of life. Material things are not evil, but your type of relation with them may be evil. Evil is eagerness and desire, which settle life on a material level.

Course XIX - Teaching 5: Dynamic Mobilization of the Spinal Column

Once you expanded the movement of the spine with exercises of straightening, you should practice the following exercise, which makes your spine more flexible and dynamic, and that at the same time is the synthesis of every natural movement of the spine.

Course XVII - Teaching 5: Contemplation and Exercises of Prayer

The exercise of meditation is an organized mental movement to produce certain effects in the soul. In questions related to love and enlightenment, this exercise leads to lofty feelings and considerable experiences so far unknown.