Course XXXIX - Teaching 8: Saturn

When the nebula mother reaches a sufficient grade of material condensation, and mental and energetic bodies of the system are prepared, the physical bodies of planets are projected.
Every solar system, in the sidereal cosmos to which it will belong, has a characteristic and peculiar magnetic field, similar by different from all other magnetic fields related to other sidereal systems. In this magnetic cosmic field, the mental globes are located on their ecliptic, and this comprises a vaster space in the magnetic field, in contrast with the space occupied by spiritual globes, which is the least space.
Something like that may be found in atomic theories. The size of the nucleus of an atom is the lowest compared with the magnetic field in which electrons move.
The ecliptic of the energetic globes comprises a space in the magnetic field that is smaller than the space of mental bodies and its magnetism is positive in regard to the mental ecliptic, and negative and potential in regard to the ecliptic of the physical globes.
Every ecliptic, located in the cosmic-sidereal magnetic field of different globes of the system has by law of analogical opposition an expansion of amplitude, in contrast with the other one, forming this way, as a whole and symmetrically, the form Ired.
The Sun was the first to occupy the focus of the ecliptic, followed by Pluto and later by Neptune. But in the beginning, these planets were not exactly located on the ecliptic because their own mass was not properly balanced and produced oscillations. This is why there was no mineral life in them.
Later Uranus occupied its place on the ecliptic, also with oscillations but remaining in it. The first test of material life occurred in Uranus without success.
The Hosts failed as soon as they tried to put on minerals. The wise mythology tells how the god Uranus, zealous of his brothers, killed them as soon as they came into being. Then Uranus could not be a life-giving planet.
Shortly afterwards, Saturn was the planet that became different, steadily located on the ecliptic and rotating orderly round the sun. By the especial circumstance of being Saturn the only planet perfectly located on the ecliptic, it became a positive pole of attraction. So, the newly formed masses failed. The mother mass rhythmically launched from herself certain masses, which were attracted by the positive power of Saturn; and because there was in them a lack of magnitude, the mass of Saturn energetically dematerialized or absorbed them.
Pluto, Neptune and Uranus were avoiding it by their oscillatory movements.
Mythology represents the effort of the mother mass to stabilize the planets on the ecliptic and tells how Saturn would devour his newly born children. But Rea, his wife, hid his more beloved son: Pluto, Neptune and Jupiter, who later would overcome their father. As planets begin occupy their place on the ecliptic, they start emanating their light and illuminating their own system.

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