Course XXXIX - Teaching 6: Geometric Figures of the Planetary System

Through mathematical symbols expressed in geometric figures, which conquered a lasting control in time, it is possible to trace a similarity with cosmogonic events of the universal creation, which determines an explanation where planetary systems are shaped.
This similarity just represents an approximation of the human mind, by its fittest language, to the divine mind. A new knowledge of God is thus reflected.
Compare the cosmogonic descent in the creation of any planetary system with an interpretation of simple curve figures of second grade: circumference, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola.
The entire interpretation will try to find particularities in the location of focus or focuses, and the straight directrix that moves from infinitude to finitude; so geometric figures are formed that are openly similar with the creation of planetary systems.
We are told that the harmony of Non-Manifestation–Manifestation as a whole is materialized for the awakening in only one focus sustained from the infinite by the directrix, which this way brings about the figure of the circumference. Finite field of the Manifestation, which in its immeasurable characteristic of number Pi also indicates its higher power than Manifestation.
The eccentricity of a circumference is equal to zero, and this mathematical condition symbolizes the image of the Cosmogonic Awakening.
But the Manifestation just can be shaped in a Universal Creation, being fixed in a potential unity, which is its enclosure, for its subsequent cosmic becoming.
A parabola, mathematically measured by its eccentricity that is equal to the unity, is the active figure in the potential circumference, which could not manifest in itself.
But this perfect unity would not support a downward formation of the cosmic creation in planetary systems, if the divine power does not disarranges this perfect unity through the particle Ired and sows the development of the Manifestation through the oscillation produced by that power.
Then the oscillation round the unity is the materialization of the planetary system. This oscillation is reflected on the geometrical figure of the ellipse and the hyperbola whose characteristic is a smaller eccentricity and a bigger eccentricity than the unity respectively.
In the present evolutionary state of the planetary system, the oscillation of the curve mother, originally parabolic, is the ellipse that we see materialized in every individual establishment of planetary systems observed in the Manifestation. Also, all manifestations of the descent will be ellipse in the successive stages of the peculiar magnetic field of the planetary system under consideration, of the mental field produced by it –energetic and physical– which becomes visible for the sensory reality of man.
Life can be only shaped after continuous fights in the duality of the created system. Life is expressed by the interpretation of the curve, ellipse or hyperbola that is brought about by two focuses, in relation to circumference and parabola, which only need one focus for their real formation.
The directrix, which in the case of the circumference remains mathematically in the infinite, represents the power of the Non-Manifestation that is ever present in the Manifestation.
Subsequent descents that materialize the reality Non-Manifestation–Manifestation, move the directrix from infinitude to finitude. That is, the physical raiment of the directrix is related to geometrical figures identified as parabola, ellipse and hyperbola.
The real or visible ellipse ever has a non-real or invisible hyperbola, which encompass the external field to that limited by the former.
Seemingly this interpretation conditions the existence of the physical ellipse on which the planetary system rests to that of a hyperbola the representation of the existence of all other planetary systems. It would indicate he divine presence sustaining the already human creation of the chosen planetary system.
The presence of focuses of the hyperbola and its bigger eccentricity than the unity would be the duality of the integral world of the Cosmos, with the exception of the chosen planetary system.
The parabola, a geometric figure of perfection demanded by a subsequent becoming, is only the representation of a field in which the creation of planetary systems entails destruction because they would be unable to have individual life because of their own perfection.
On the contrary, the reception of an ever-changing particle of constant becoming of the Ired, permits the life of the created planetary systems.
It is the impulse that, by oscillation of the perfect eccentricity –the unity– brings about a bigger or smaller eccentricity in the figure of the hyperbola or ellipse.
The entire development of present planetary systems is a continuous expansion of the Cosmos, proved by science.
But when the return toward the divine re-entering, one intuits that the part of the movement of the Ired, still unknown to science, will lead to the transformation of the present ellipse into the hyperbola.
The latter, in its higher oscillation than one, will permit its transformation into parabola, source of perfection from which it is likely to look at the potential manifestation symbolized by the primary circumference.
The directrix in the geometric figures, physically dressed in the creation of planetary system shall plunge again in its initial position on the Infinite.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
