Course XXXIX - Teaching 2: The Sun
The nebula-mother, or fiery mass, evolves in three downward stages and four upward stages toward its complete development and end.
The present evolutionary state of the Solar Planetary System is as follows:
Third Planetary Wheel.
Third Solar Wheel.
Fourth Round.
Fourth Earthly Period.
Fifth Root Race.
Fifth Sub-Race.
Seventh Specific Sub-Race.
We call Planetary Wheel to the integral development of all spheres or globes, spiritual and physical, in three downward stages and four upward stages.
We call Solar Wheel to the material development of the globes.
Definition of Round: We call Round to the physical development of only one globe; so their may be: Earthly Round, Lunar Round, et cetera.
We call Earthly Period to the process of condensation and development of the Earth.
Human races develop in only one Earthly Period.
“Anthropogenesis” calls Earthly Period to sub-periods of one Earthly Period.
Here is an eventual division: 1. Fiery Earthly Period; 2. Watery Earthly Period; 3. Condensation Earthly Period; and 4. Human Earthly Period.
Movements in the Planetary System are continuously similar as to gradual developments of the spheres in number, measure and form: the Ired will be ever-present in all movements.
As the nebula became gradually condensed, portions of it formed great comets, which, separated from their centre, formed the spiritual sphere of the Sun and, later, the twelve planets over the characteristic ellipse.
In its form of natural activity, the Sun is an everlasting spring of super-magnetic forces, which continuously give formation, preservation and dissolution to all beings and elements; in short, it is life.
But this immense luminous focus that the physical sight can perceive is just the physical body of the Sun of the soul and spirit.
What we see is just the physical body of this Entity, for behind every form there are Divine Hosts sustaining, preserving and destroying it.
Besides the luminous sphere of the Sun, or of any other heavenly body, the Sun possesses other seven spheres or globes, which are subtler and form their spiritual, mental and physical bodies.
The present distribution and density of our Solar System is related to its third Solar Wheel.