Course XXIX - Teaching 4: Stages of the Hyperborean Race

An exact division of its sub-races is unknown in the anthropologic development of the Hyperborean Race; but one can differentiate a series of evolutionary states that could be called “stages”.
The large Fish-Serpent appears on the Green Continent during the first stage. It is quite difficult to determine exactly the dimension of this monster that aimed at humanity, but ancient texts described it as immense and beautiful, in spite of its gelatinous and transparent body that reflected a multicolored light.
It had not more sense than that of perception, but noticed atmospheric states; when currents became unbearable, it lived in the thick waters at those times, and when frightful hurricanes were not so violent, then it crept over the half-soft soil of the Continent.
But those monsters guided by their spirits, which hardly inhabited the waters during the second stage of this developing Race, started their great work –by forming the human brain. Opened as immense fans, their heads exposed a future protoplasmic brain.
When the Sun was stronger, they climbed promontories and put over them the sperm-sweat if their bodies and the Sun fertilized them.
These monsters did not die, but regenerated and transformed themselves on their own.
Since they had to obtain the sense of touch, certain fins, as those of fish, took form, which would become future human extremities.
To obtain their new sense, simply they had to go through vast extensions and to come back following their route by retrogression.
Instead of sleeping in the water, they slept in immense caves and for quite few hours, since the light was almost continuous on the Hyperborean Continent.
In the third stage, monads started drawing lines of the spine on those bodies and forming internal channels, or blood vessels, which would produce the circulation of air currents, and the condensation of gelatinous matter.
They were more and more rapid and formed a sort of human head around the hollow where the brain protoplasm was placed as a treasure.
It is here, in the fourth stage that men-monsters appear.
Time and again they try to fold up, and finally their bodies become wheels. Their fins turn into oars, which will let tem run more and more quickly.
Also a real matrix is formed at those times on an end of their bodies, and they placed in it, on their own, their drops of sweat.
The perfect hermaphrodite appears in the fifth stage.
Ends of their bodies touch one another; and desire and satisfaction derive from grazing. A little fit organ appears; it is a gem to the matrix. Now eggs can be placed, which always under Solar heat, give birth to men-monsters of this Race.
In the sixth stage, after the great seismic movement that divided the continent, these men try to stand up, but fail. It is a war to death, and thousands and thousands lose their lives when they want to climb the Mount Meru; as soon as they try to stand up, these beings get broken and die.
At those days, monads wept over their bodies; and an ancient text says they claimed to heaven to get fit abodes and not to fail in attempting perfection.
They achieve this in the seventh stage.
Now, the type of the future race is defined. Whereas their brain is already open, two cavities prepare the abode of the eyes on their face; and the spine, with all its nervous ramifications, is being more and more defined.
Those wheels, lent on trunks of immense trees, can remain standing up. Now, without fins, they have stumps and they use them as arms and legs.
The Hyperborean Continent was on the point of disappearing. Frightful explosions shook the Earth and opened deep grooves in it and also in faces of the new Hyperborean men.
The ethereal perception is overcome by the atmospheric electric perception, and the place of the future human ears develops through two large grooves formed of those men.
This Race achieved all and reached the summit. Those monads glimpse that their mission is on the point to finish and soon they can occupy new abodes.
The Spirit of the Lord descends to His Temple when this Temple is already built. Verily, the spirit these monads were about to descend and occupy new physical bodies.
Under the half-liquid waters of the oceans, Pasha and Pahcshala, a new continent is ready to give abode to real men.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
