Course XXVIII - Teaching 1: The Fountain of Religions

Peoples of the Aryan Atlanteans had received from the Great Instructors of this race the truths of its religions. These truths, strengthened by the perceptive psychic power of this race, were of an entirely intuitive character.
These religions were on the edge of the world of superior consciousness and did not use natural symbols. Their monotheism was select.
But as this race began to decline and degenerate, religious practices were substituted for acts of psychic power and black magic.
The Aryans preserved a distant glimpse of these Divine Religions, even though entirely hidden behind the burden of time and reason, which is a new prerogative of this emerging race.
The Atlanteans, sunk in depths of the sea when their continent collapsed, carried with them their Divine Religion.
But new Initiates and the new Idea-Mother appeared, and therefore a new religion emerged that accompanied the new Aryan race, and was the basis of all their subsequent religions.
After their tremendous fight against their adversaries, that is the Atlanteans, the Aryans rushed into the conquest of the new continent that had emerged from the waters for them like a promised virgin land. Those early men, on immense caravans, guided by their Divine Instructors, abandoned the old coasts in search of new lands and emigrated toward the centre of Asia and Europe.
They found a fertile and wonderful land that, however, was tremendously hard to conquer. Their habitual venomous and equatorial weather had been replaced by a rough and cold weather.
Sloth gave way to need and, after a frightful toll, the inhabitants of the new continent gradually learnt to fight against Nature in order to get food and shelter.
Nature was hard to overcome but, as it was subdued, gave wonderful results and revealed its secrets. That is why those early men divinized Nature and its manifested powers.
The new religion, based on the worship of Nature, was purely human and natural, and the foundation of polytheism.
But some day the Aryans came back to their land of origin, and found their predecessors, who preserved the Divine Religion of the Atlanteans, colored by a rudimentary monotheism, and defeated them.
The structure of every coming religion is formed by these two currents: a forgotten Divine religion and an emerging natural and human religion.
Then, Aryan religions are born of the memory of a lost divine state and of the knowledge of a natural power within the range of man.
The words of the Great Initiates are fused and crystallized in the material experience of peoples. The memory of the divine aspect becomes concrete by image and worship of their ancestors, and from this source where God and man meet, where the circle and the cross embrace each other, a crystal water springs up that will flood the world and times, will have different names, and one day will be one in the ocean of man made God.
In all Aryan religions, whether predominantly monotheistic or polytheistic, you may find always these essential foundations; in its beginning, simple and clear worship like dawn, and human quietness focuses divine serenity by means of songs and hymns; all this is transmitted from parents to children, from people to people and eventually becomes holy texts and fundamental languages.
Tradition transforms simple raptures of the soul into ceremonies and worships, and worships claim for attires, signs and mysteries.
All Aryans religions follow the same route and the same path; they are spiritual and pure in the beginning; and become intellectual and wise, dogmatic and rigid, cold and dark, ending like a sectarian organization that preserves its own divinities.
Inexorably it must be so; a mixture of spirit and matter can be only a fight between spirit and matter. When the spirit is in control, materialism is defeated; but when material power overpowers the spirit, then the latter hides behind thick veils.
A Real and Divine tenet exists behind dogmatic and practical forms of all religions.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
