Course XXVII - Teaching 26: Islam

Half-savage men, half-naked and half-Aryans had remained all together alert on the edge of the lost continent for millennia.
Lands of leaden sky and with temples and cities of solid gold had sunk under the waters. They remained there, immobile and gazing the collapse of an entire past and race, faithful to their destiny of guardians of a missing religion and of their blood that was fountain of new civilization.
The sea ran away, Nature died, the desert appeared, and the sun became more and more hot, but they stayed. They saw the emigration of their companions in long caravans toward more hospitable lands, to steadier soils.
Brothers of yore came back as conquerors, and they permitted to be subdued. They went into the wild, into that wonderful garden of sand that kept the treasure of the lost continent, partly buried under the sea and partially under sands.
These men –you can call them Semites, Iranians, Israelites or Hebrews– are always the same people –preservers of the Divine Atlantean Religion, and blood bud of the new race.
As some of them abandoned their mystical loneliness in the desert and became a stable people or nation, others came back to it.
In 440, peoples of the desert lost the true worship to his ancestors and professed a mixed religion of fetishism, Christianity and idolatry.
But Ismael’s blood runs through their veins, and in the city of Mecca a man of the Coreixites’ tribe is born, who has to exalt the spirit of believers toward a faith in One and True God.
With Muhammad’s birth, in 570, a new era begins for the sons of the desert. This young orphan, reared by charity in his uncle Abu Taleb’s house, was of delicate manners, effeminate aspect and constant smile, but carried the sign of the Divine Initiates.
He saw the decadence of his people, and on his meditations and inner retreats, dreamt of liberating if of its chains of selfishness, lust, idolatry and vanity.
At the age of twenty-four he marries Kadiya, a rich widow him older, and both lived perfect conjugal life, and this is so true than his people called him “trustworthy”.
Long years of expectation and meditation were necessary to burn dregs of man and leave just the Divine Incarnation, the envoy of heaven.
He referred his visions and wishes to his wife, and she was his first disciple and the first to repeat these words: “Allah is God and Muhammad his prophet”.
Jesus’ prophecy is not relevant in Muhammad: “Nobody is prophet in his own land”, because he got his first disciples among relatives and friends. His old uncle –his adoptive father– refused to recognize the divine injunction, but did not contradict him, promising his Ali as the first male disciple.
But fight begins; none wants to leave the adoration of gods, idolatry and a life devoid of pleasures. Muhammad says there is just one God with no image: he is spirit and truth. It is like wind of the desert, frightful and formless, which shapes dunes and moves them quickly, whistling, invisible to all. Four angels obey injunctions of this invisible God, source of all things. The righteous will live in the bosom of Allah, in the divine garden of houris, even though nobody will be like him.
One night certain people tried to kill the Prophet, but he escaped with a disciple and took refuge in Medina. As they escaped, the distressed disciple said to the Masters, “We are alone and persecuted”, but he replied, “We are not two, but three, because God is with us”.
The arrival in Medina begins the era of Islam, called Hegira.
As his enemies attacked him, Muhammad already had many disciples and they defended themselves by sword. And Muhammad’s religion had a new motto, “Kill the infidel if the infidel prevents you from observing your religion”.
After the Prophet’s death, in 632, Islam reached dramatic dimensions. It conquered by word and blood, and by the Koran, its holy book, Asia, a part of Europe, and was a menace in Nordic peoples.
As in any great religion, they also have mystics called Sufis, who achieved the Divine Union through renunciation and ecstasy. The study of mathematics belongs almost exclusively to this people, and alchemy get such an influence that prepares the way to modern chemistry and physics.
But over all, the mission of Arabian is to keep the purity of this concept of a personal One God, and to transmit it from generation to generation, until the extinction of the flame of our Aryan race, which knows and worships God through every manifested form.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
