Course IX - Teaching 3: Regulation
After the first authority of Cafh, which is that of its Knight Great Master, all Sons are subject to the rules of the Regulation.
Through this disciplinary subjection, the soul introduces slowly and gradually the Spirit of the Regulation into his life, and personally intensifies the current of Cafh.
Thence the Son needs to assimilate the Regulation into his life, and to become a living example of this Regulation.
But, the authority of the Regulation is not compulsory to all Sons for the same period of time. Knowledgeable about the greatness and misery of the souls, Cafh does not tie them in terms of their enthusiasm, but in terms of their deep vocation, known to the disciple as he progresses and perfects himself.
Of course, the souls come to the Path with plenty enthusiasm, but do not understand what efforts they have to carry out or what sacrifice they need for their spiritual improvement. Many times, one’s imagination weaves illusions and one’s enthusiasm belittles difficulties. Thence the regulation is compulsory whether temporarily or perpetually according to the progress of the Son and his subsequent will to follow it.