Course VIII - Teaching 3: Right Discernment

As one says we are bound to detach from the world in order to live or to start the spiritual life apparently we are establishing a barrier between a way of living and other, but in fact it is not so: we are building new cages instead of breaking barriers.
Detachment from the world, change of life and retreat in solitude are indicative expressions that the mind shall see life from other viewpoint, from a higher viewpoint.
One can stay in the wilderness but without inner peace, and in a boisterous city but in perfect solitude.
The secret of this new life consists in thinking differently. For instance, you can be in front of a luminous poster not noticing that the luminous advertisement is there because you are not interested in it.
Also a division of men into diverse types founded on the spiritual life is merely didactic.
A perfect individual being is all: feeling, analysis and understanding. But those who still did not attain perfection tend to an aspect of the mental life in detriment of the other.
To say that each one should be in tune with his peculiar characteristic does not exclude the existence of other qualities in him; the only purpose is to impede the adaptation of all to the temperament of him who leads or outstands, such as most times happens in groups.
Certain disciples cannot meditate or concentrate particularly on anything; so, these souls need to should relax and entirely empty their minds. This mental rest is meditation.
Other people cannot relax their minds this way and need to think of something. These thoughts are their meditation.
Each soul has its characteristic mould and only can realize God in this mould.
The spiritual work consists in polishing –not changing– this mould.
The spiritual life consists in beautifying our life, emphasizing our values, strengthening our tendencies and leading our wasted energies to the opposite side –toward the good way.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
