Course XI - Teaching 14: Inherent Goods of Cafh

Cafh does not have outer possessions; everything that is necessary for sustaining and developing the Works of Cafh belongs to these Works alone: even attributes and writings of the Teachings and private possessions of the Sons, and do not belong to Cafh.
Cafh only possesses inherent goods, and this has no sense as legislation because where there is nothing, you have nothing to check; this makes effective and direct sense as doctrine.
Cafh wants to take the results of things to an unlimited field, and to transform all needs and human restriction into an incalculable divine result.
Cafh’s possessions are only inherent, so the Son founds his efforts on real goods that are only magnetic, mental, psychic, spiritual and immanent. Even as a human result, Cafh lays aside outergoods for inherent goods, so Cafh leaves in the hands of the Sons an incalculable wealth in material goods that should be offered to men.
So, Cafh teaches continuously the Sons how to move acquired values –immediate, known and composed¬– to a higher magnetic field where they become transmuted values, –spatial, unknown, enormously increased and simple.
Even the Works of Cafh needing extrinsic goods to evolve and possessing them in the ordinary term of the property law, should not have those goods doctrinally; they have to make use of them. All this always until a time when these goods represent, in certain established society, a figure of the local magnetic point in which the Work of Cafh operates. When this factor has done its work in certain place, the Work of Cafh may totally leave the use of this good in the position they leaders feel necessary.
So, all those possessions that the Works of Cafh use for their development have a sense of usufruct only until the time when they serve as a reference point for their outer development, and as a contacting point among souls and Cafh, and for possibilities of outer development of the said Works.
In the event that a Son is quite aware of this good and makes use of goods of the Cafh’s Works in too much personal sense and with possessiveness, all this cannot have any repercussions on the labor of Cafh’s Works. These Works acquire life through Cafh, and Cafh is a Mystical Body in which Sons and Works remain. But Cafh does not give realization to a Son or to the Works, since they achieve realization by their own means, and not through a magic sacramental act –they achieve realization through a human divine act.
You shall know if the Works of Cafh fulfill their mission in this sense by their results, since those Works maintaining a strict sense about the only use of the goods shall be enormously increased in the aesthetic, dynamic and expansive aspect. This would be otherwise if their results are just accumulative, restrictive and bureaucratic.
Cafh possesses inherent goods alone; so, Cafh proposes to the world the only possible solution of economic evils, based on the Message of Renunciation.
Those goods kept for a right distribution in due time, are source of wealth for men; but those goods accumulated for speculation are cause of misery in the world.
To have sense of Renunciation as a social being is equal to give nothing; sense of Renunciation it is to transform the surplus into inherent and real goods, and to transform this surplus into future wealth for one and all, with a subsequent elimination of poverty, infamy and mendicity.
Renunciation to outer goods for inherent goods is to move immediate values in time and space to an available and dynamic magnetic field. Even a businessman knows that the true revenue of any activities consists in creating a client, not in earning money.
In the world the cause of misery is not the sense of possession –the only evil is the sense of one-sided possession. Also, this doctrine should not be explained –it must be lived.
But the acquisition of inherent goods is not a good of Renunciation –it is one step taken to the State of Renunciation.
Self-renunciation to material goods grants the possession of immanent magnetic, psychic and spiritual goods, and an uninterrupted use of material goods.
Even inherent goods, on a stage of future perfection beyond limits of the Cafh’s Regulation, must be transmuted into other goods, into supernatural goods whose name still remains unknown.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
