The spirit of Observance must be in Community like an adamant block in relation to activities and uses, and every external expression of the Ordained Son must be unique, but this external union has to accompany the internal union.
A Superior watches not only over the observance of the Regulation, Interpretation and orders of the Knight Great Master, but also over the brother and companion of the Sons. Therefore, his mission becomes more difficult in those acts of Community where the Sons are subject to their free will.
In Houses of Cafh’s Works, Superiors must be very watchful and avoid any influence from the worldly spirit.
Since certain Works are seemingly identical in their external form like other works that are executed in the world, there is a trend to turn over them with the same spirit of a natural work.
From his entry to the House of Ordination, the Son is initiated in usual manual works in Community. Although the Sons must know how to realize any indicated work, usually they learn some specialized work.
Superiors will try that the Sons may appear before the world like a living image of perfect Renunciation and, as such, unattainable to those who did not renounce.
Sons: your faces must be affable before all and your aspect serene, without currents of sympathy or particular friendship.