
Reflection N° 71 - Gods

Numberless Gods inhabit the Universe and are named by different words in many languages. Some of them are considered unique and excluding: Jehovah, Allah, the Father, et cetera, and their followers have fought to the death for a full exclusion, but unsuccessfully; they go on to fight.

Course XXVII - Teaching 10: The Sun of Iran

From the shores of the Oxus and Laxartes, placed near the mystical plateau of Pamir, the Iranian descended toward Bactriana and Nizaya. The Empires of Medes and Persians emerged from this numerous nomadic tribes.

Course XXVIII - Teaching 9: The Persians

As Aryan civilizations succeeded one another, religions experienced changes, modifications and transformations. On the basin of the Tigris, in Central Asia, the strong and indomitable Assyrians stayed, and soon they grew up, developed a powerful civilization.