War of the Two Suns

Reflection N° 98 - Historic Continuum

For a better understanding of this Reflection it is necessary to consult the following Teachings of “History of Esoteric Orders”: Arabian Wisdom and the Veiled Woman; Ancient Egypt and The Temple of Initiation.

Reflection N° 62 - Ethics of Good and Evil

Until today only one Ethics of good was admitted: God is highest good, highest truth, highest justice and highest beauty; all together is God. After four thousand years of monotheistic obscurantism transmitted by religions sustaining the Western civilization (God on Heaven and matter on Earth) the conception about the world became static and motionless with an eternal Paradise and likewise an eternal Hell.

Reflection N° 104 - Years Are Passing

Forty seven years have passed since the passing away of Master Santiago Bovisio, founder of C. A. F. H. and editor of the Renunciation Doctrine, widely diffused and preserved by the Canon Edition printed in Spanish and Portuguese.