
Course XV - Teaching 1: Affective Meditation and its Purpose

The spiritual work in the soul is mainly made by educating the sensibility. The main concern is not so much to acquire knowledge or to increase mental powers during the first stages of the spiritual process, but an inner transformation.

Course XV - Teaching 4: Imaginative Picture

This step consists in exposing a picture that the soul has to observe and consider: it may be the development of an event already lived, scenes usually observed in the abyss, or images that express the divine.

Course XV - Teaching 5: Sensitive Picture

The sensitive picture is one of the most important steps in the exercise of meditation, for it is the stage in which the soul controls its feelings and gives its intended form, tonality and vibration.

Course XV - Teaching 8: The Black Lady

What may represent the Black Lady in Cafh’s Symbols? The spiritual path is traveled by stages; it neither begins nor ends in one life. It began by the individuation of the human being and shall end by his liberation.

Course XV - Teaching 15: The System of Meditation

Is there any relationship between the seven classical subjects of meditation so far analyzed? Does this order respond to the process that naturally must develop in the soul of the meditator?