
Course XXVII - Teaching 8: Iranian Religion

As Aryan civilizations were succeeding one another, religions experienced changes, modifications and transformations. On the basin of river Tigris, in Central Asia, a strong and indomitable people, the Assyrian people, soon grew up and developed a powerful civilization.

Course XXVII - Teaching 9: Assyrian Goddess of War

A new people had emerged between the powerful Chaldean and Egyptian empires. Chaldeans, Assyrians, Phoenicians, Syrians, Sargonides and Persians are the third Aryan sub-race called Iranian. Aryans sub-races are divided as follows:

Course XXVIII - Teaching 8: The Assyrians

The Assyrians were destined to form a Semitic religion par excellence. They became strong, indomitable and combative, since Assyria’s destiny was to remain detached at al costs from continuous wars, because it was surrounded by hostile powers.

Course XXVIII - Teaching 9: The Persians

As Aryan civilizations succeeded one another, religions experienced changes, modifications and transformations. On the basin of the Tigris, in Central Asia, the strong and indomitable Assyrians stayed, and soon they grew up, developed a powerful civilization.