Saint Paul of the Cross

Reflection N° 87 - Why?

To Adriana, a Buddhist soul. According to a legend, in the North of India a woman had a baby who died soon after being born. Quite distressed, as this mother stayed near the Buddha, she went and saw him with her child, and weeping beseeched to bring him back to life again.

Reflection N° 126 - Ash

Master Santiago gives a beautiful Teaching in “The Way of Renunciation”, a Course where he explains with clarity what Mystique of Holocaust is: “Mystique of Ash in Saint Paul of the Cross”.

Course V - Teaching 8: Mystique of Ash in Saint Paul of the Cross

The most wonderful and surprising aspect in the life of Saint Paul of the Cross is his extraordinary spirit of renunciation and absolute detachment of anything in the world; and this is so great that he establishes in the Christian world a congregation totally devoted to achieve this as similar mystical death as mystical death of souls offered in holocaust to redeem Humanity.

Course V - Teaching 12: Tibetan Disciples

In Tibet there is an extraordinary mystique related to death and mystical death, and the Sons need to know it. In old days, the mystique of death was an ordinary thing.