
Course II - Teaching 1: Mysteries of the Sacrifice

Even if we wished to flee from sorrow, sorrow is ever present in human life despite every effort of the civilization and despite modern breakthroughs for a more bearable living.

Course II - Teaching 2: Tedium

A man may possess all, enjoy all goods of life and a perfect health, and travel from on point to another on the Earth; however, at certain time of the day, an importune visitor will come to him: it is sorrow of human tedium; tiredness of fleeting hours; a vague sensation of something lost for ever; a hidden sense of an unknown evil that may happen at any moment.

Course II - Teaching 14: Separateness

Ineffable happiness is the achievement of the potential state, and pain is the achievement of the active state. In short, life manifests in its whole splendor through suffering. It overwhelms not only human beings with moral martyrdom, physical pain and hidden sorrow, but also pursues men in any form and way.

Course II - Teaching 16: Death

Here we have attained the last mystery, the solemnest shadow, the Sacrifice that none can avoid. Because who can defeat old age and death? A poor human being sadly sees how years flee from their hands and how rapidly, despite his own efforts, he could achieve very few illusions forged in his youth; or, at most, when he starts enjoying the fruit of his work, his memory already declines, his senses grow weak and infirmities of old age impede him to enjoy mentally the victory.

Course VIII - Teaching 16: Vocational Concept

All human beings are destined to a spiritual vocation manifested at certain moment, since the purpose of all men is God, in a positive or negative sense. Many believe that they have been called to a spiritual vocation, but just few are called in a direct and accurate way.