Renunciation Doctrine

Reflection N° 71 - Gods

Numberless Gods inhabit the Universe and are named by different words in many languages. Some of them are considered unique and excluding: Jehovah, Allah, the Father, et cetera, and their followers have fought to the death for a full exclusion, but unsuccessfully; they go on to fight.

Reflection N° 64 - Full Moon Messages

The never printed collection of Master Santiago Bovisio’s Teachings, published for the first time –a true First Digital Edition– contains 47 titles of Books or Courses with the most varied subjects and disciplines, from esoteric Universal History to Philosophy and Spiritual Exercises which, at a time, contain 777 chapters, regularly released through 16 titles by Course.

Reflection N° 100 - The Seed

Well. C.A.F.H. of Master Santiago Bovisio ended and the Holy Order of American Knights of Fire Ihes rose into the heavenly home Om Hes along with Mother Abbhumi and Astral Knights looking at us and protecting us.

Reflection N° 101 - Plural Worlds

Giordano Bruno was a wise man burnt by the Inquisition in the beginning of the Modern Age, in Italy, because he disseminated the doctrine about plurality of the worlds. Many cultures have developed beautiful mythologies and stories about other dimensions of reality and other intelligent men, even Gods: Ancient Egypt, Greece, Assyria, Hindus and Arabians: modern writers and filmmakers: H.

Reflection N° 102 - IRED Blessing

Divine Mother of the Universe: I ask your Ired Blessing. I am united by You to an Eternal Union Vow with all the Sons of Cafh, who were, who are and who will come.

Reflection N° 118 - Change of Race

The Canon of Santiago Bovisio’s Teachings begins with Hidrochosa, another name for Aquarius, and announces the change of Race, from the Race of the sign of Pisces to the new American Race or Age of Sakib, saying: “New ideas and works are prepared for the world”.

Reflection N° 121 - Why I write

Soon after being released Master Santiago Bovisio’s Teachings by Internet, I started to write. I had written “Letters from the Monastery” previously, which were spread by mail and even some few printed books distributed among my friends personally.

Reflection N° 134 - Analogical Contradiction

In China, when both nationalist and communist armies waged their war and final combats, a booklet about contradictions in political fights was released –the red Mao-tse Tung’s short pocket book, where the Chinese leader was explaining to the people basic ideas to carry out a great work, in this case the Chinese nation’s liberation until the final victory.

Reflection N° 145 - Euthanasia

From Greek: Eu = good; thanatos = death. Death without suffering and, strictly speaking, death caused voluntarily. I am a fervent defender of euthanasia and, since in our days it is a controversial matter, I shall speak in first person, declaring to be responsible for my ideas.

Reflection N° 149 - Child Education

The child education has been distorted at the end of the Christian civilization. Technical breakthroughs in physical communication sciences have efficiently replaced, with no rivalry, the grade schoolmistress, however skillful she may be.