
Course XVI - Teaching 12: Holy Union

What his flesh demands is quite painful to the soul wishing to be liberated. Instinctive nature is hard to overcome and a tenacious enemy against the Son’s purposes. So, the Son attacked by his lower nature, as soon as in sorrow loses heart, implores his Master’s help like a castaway wailing for a safer and steadier port:

Course XVI - Teaching 13: Inner Solitude

A Son that desires peace and quietness finds a source of continuous sorrow in the atmosphere of a city. Then he looks at the sky in quest of the Divine Master, and finally confesses sorrowfully:

Course XVI - Teaching 16: Need for Loving

The meditator should expect the hour for his deep introspective journey as joyful as a man who leaves for unknown lands, and as anxious as a person that feels attracted by the unknown, –he must expect that moment when his fullness transforms the whole day into an act of continuous meditation.

Course XVII - Teaching 9: Prayer and Vows

You talk, you think and you feel always in dualistic terms, and life is unity. You should not understand this unity as only one thing, but as an organic totality, indivisible and simple in itself, and composed as attribute.