Power of the Great Current

Reflection N° 95 - Santiago Bovisio

On 29 September, 2007, a friend of mine asked of me at the Children’s Village a Reflection explaining who Santiago Bovisio is, whose birthday we celebrated that day with a festivity.

Reflection N° 97 - C.A.F.H.– February, 2010

Some persons have asked me to write a biography of Santiago Bovisio. But it is impossible because the Great Masters are unattainable to mortals. Those who have tried to give an explanation about Great Masters have left nonsensical writings.

Reflection N° 100 - The Seed

Well. C.A.F.H. of Master Santiago Bovisio ended and the Holy Order of American Knights of Fire Ihes rose into the heavenly home Om Hes along with Mother Abbhumi and Astral Knights looking at us and protecting us.

Reflection N° 102 - IRED Blessing

Divine Mother of the Universe: I ask your Ired Blessing. I am united by You to an Eternal Union Vow with all the Sons of Cafh, who were, who are and who will come.

Reflection N° 119 - Lonely

A man will be universal when and if he develops his potential powers that lie in him since the beginning. He has access to material dimensions and, in some few especial cases, to plural worlds.

Reflection N° 129 - Seven Interpretations of the Teachings

We have been informed that a Director, resident at the province of Cordoba, in the present Cafh Foundation has declared the Master Santiago’s Teachings are literature and nothing else. Not only the Master’s Teachings, with many traditional religious pages in Aripal language of ceremonial texts, but even all religions of the East and West are holy and reveal the Mother Idea of the Aryan Race, from which they derive and express a more suitable interpretation for the purpose of those religions.

Reflection N° 133 - I Reflect

1930 – World capitalism collapses by finance depression. 1930 – The Soviet Union starts quinquennial plans. 1933 – Roosevelt assumes as President of the United States. 1933 – Hitler is Chancellor of Germany.

Reflection N° 143 - Right and Wrong

We are living on a pair of opposites: day and night, cold and hot, rich persons and poor persons, communists and capitalists, man and woman, sons and parents, war and peace, and at this whirlpool of dead leaves flying furiously on storms of modern civilization, lonely men are seeking refuge.

Course VII - Teaching 4: Expansion

Inner values of the Son acquire sublimation and force when he renounces to his physical, mental and emotional movements that lead him to seclude mystically the soul and offer his life.

Course VII - Teaching 5: Participation

The Son’s spiritual path aims at participating in the Great Work, whose task allows achieving the Substantial Union. Participation means to take part in a thing or to share it.