
Reflection N° 107 - Battles

“New ideas and works are being prepared for the world. If on a high level the race of Pisces –Christian sign– has developed collectivity states, great mass movements and organizations, the sixth sub-race (Hidrochosa, American sub-race) especially will develop egoencia of Being”.

Course XV - Teaching 9: The Abyss

What may the abyss symbolize as subject of meditation? First, we must emphasize the analogy between the graphic picture suggested by this word and the environment in which mankind in general lives, struggles, enjoys and suffers to die.

Course XXXV - Teaching 3: The Beginning of the Way

The Earth still is under the Zodiacal sign of Pisces and Humanity continuously experiences its influence; men still live in an era of pairs of opposites, of ups and downs, of absolute collective and personality and, even if the new race of Aquarius is already glimpsed, which will start by the years 1972-1977, still it is not established upon the Earth.