
Reflection N° 137 - Fears

In animals and humans, fears are one of the survival pillars. In humans, fears spring from ignorance. Jesus Christ, the Great Solar Initiate, was unaware of fear, and admitted to be Crucified to redeem Humanity, though he did not serve his purpose.

Reflection N° 145 - Euthanasia

From Greek: Eu = good; thanatos = death. Death without suffering and, strictly speaking, death caused voluntarily. I am a fervent defender of euthanasia and, since in our days it is a controversial matter, I shall speak in first person, declaring to be responsible for my ideas.

Course II - Teaching 16: Death

Here we have attained the last mystery, the solemnest shadow, the Sacrifice that none can avoid. Because who can defeat old age and death? A poor human being sadly sees how years flee from their hands and how rapidly, despite his own efforts, he could achieve very few illusions forged in his youth; or, at most, when he starts enjoying the fruit of his work, his memory already declines, his senses grow weak and infirmities of old age impede him to enjoy mentally the victory.