Old Man

Course XXII - Teaching 2: Transition

Things die in this world, and this is a judgment emerged in the understanding of man by means of quite simple observation. What lacks Beginning, what Is, what is Immortal, is intuition, an irrational glimpse of divine character, achieved by those beings who were able and knew how to promote their inner and essential values.

Course XXII - Teaching 6: Affective Meditation on the “Golden Temple” and the “Veil of Ahehia”

Usually the present man projects his own being outward, as if he recalled certain fights which, in the beginning of the race, took place against hostile forces of Nature, but also looks for consolation outside himself; he looks for human consolation.

Course XXII - Teaching 7: Affective Meditation on “Resurrection of Hes”

The Old Man hardly lives, even after he developed entirely his possibilities as a human being. A human being lives; the Old Man hardly lives. Can you consider it an integral life if he lives disconnected from the Divine Source?