Mother Abbhumi

Reflection N° 100 - The Seed

Well. C.A.F.H. of Master Santiago Bovisio ended and the Holy Order of American Knights of Fire Ihes rose into the heavenly home Om Hes along with Mother Abbhumi and Astral Knights looking at us and protecting us.

Reflection N° 102 - IRED Blessing

Divine Mother of the Universe: I ask your Ired Blessing. I am united by You to an Eternal Union Vow with all the Sons of Cafh, who were, who are and who will come.

Reflection N° 162 - Heaven and Earth

REFLECTIONS On August 5, Mr. José González Muñoz has left for planes of the spirit. In the file of his PC we have found his last Reflection, unfinished and uncorrected, which we have included in Master Santiago’s site as the final contribution of his writings.