
Reflection N° 95 - Santiago Bovisio

On 29 September, 2007, a friend of mine asked of me at the Children’s Village a Reflection explaining who Santiago Bovisio is, whose birthday we celebrated that day with a festivity.

Reflection N° 111 - To Live in Peace

Master Santiago’s Teachings are of high rank and few persons are able to assume them. Their Canon is a coherent system of traditional wisdom, classified into six parts: Doctrinal Courses, Ascetic Mystic Courses, Courses on History, Philosophical Courses, Esoteric Courses and Courses on Communities.

Reflection N° 116 - Personal God

In Mankind, there are Gods everywhere. In some countries, for instance Argentina, these Gods live on top of each other, but they do not speak: they are proud and stay absorbed in their own greatness.

Reflection N° 123 - Living without a Religion

It is natural to live without a religion. Religions are institutions created by Great Initiates for the organization of social life in those times when nobody knew how to read or write, customs were primitive, nothing was known about powers of Nature and, somehow, raised Nature over tribal fetishism and instinctive impulses.