
Reflection N° 110 - I was born as a slave

Freedom and justice are not within the reach of an incarnate man. To reach them, he is to soar to highest dimensions of reality, or by mystic ascetic efforts or by natural evolution, incarnating again and again for millions of years along with Humanity, making all experiences, knowing right and wrong, suffering and experiencing deepest desolation.

Course VIII - Teaching 6: Liberation

Men are enraptured when a new prophet appears and teaches about liberation and new horizons of life. How sweet are these words in their ears! This means to break with ancient rites, old traditions and time-honored customs; in short, to break chains of bondage and to go out of the cage that keeps them in prison!

Course XXXVI - Teaching 14: Liberation

Humanity is weighted down with the bondage of desire, and instead of getting rid of ties that bring it to a standstill it becomes more and more involved in the chain of sorrow.