Lemurian Race

Reflection N° 71 - Gods

Numberless Gods inhabit the Universe and are named by different words in many languages. Some of them are considered unique and excluding: Jehovah, Allah, the Father, et cetera, and their followers have fought to the death for a full exclusion, but unsuccessfully; they go on to fight.

Reflection N° 110 - I was born as a slave

Freedom and justice are not within the reach of an incarnate man. To reach them, he is to soar to highest dimensions of reality, or by mystic ascetic efforts or by natural evolution, incarnating again and again for millions of years along with Humanity, making all experiences, knowing right and wrong, suffering and experiencing deepest desolation.

Course XXIX - Teaching 5: Lemurian Race

Buried under the waters of the Pacific Ocean, a land that mainly formed a part of the Lemurian Continent remains intact. The student may use more easily the name the continent of the third Root-Race “Lemuria”, after the geologist P.