Disney was a successful man in everything he undertook, except one thing, although on this occasion he was already dead, or rather, his most ambitious project, to overcome death, in which he failed.
On Sunday October 3, at the premises of the Village of Children, we have celebrated another anniversary of the birth of Master Santiago and, on this occasion, the Honor Prize was for Dr.
Every day, at dawn, cities cheer up and start being filled with people, while underground trains unload their couches full of passengers rushing not to be late for work, thousands of noisily jam-packed buses stop at corners for more workers to go up and down, rental cars by the roadside fight each other with blasts on the horn, porters wash sidewalks while children in white aprons walk toward their nearby school, store owners lift up metal curtains, and one cannot walk along the pedestrian street Florida that is full of clerks with briefcases while policemen watch and vendors sell newspapers and magazines.
From Greek: Eu = good; thanatos = death. Death without suffering and, strictly speaking, death caused voluntarily.
I am a fervent defender of euthanasia and, since in our days it is a controversial matter, I shall speak in first person, declaring to be responsible for my ideas.
To Héctor V. Morel
The World revolves along with its own content: Paris, oceans, Afghanistan war, forests, snowfalls in Boston, men and animals, the Children’s Village, splendors in China, et cetera, from right to left or from left to right, I do not know well, perhaps in both directions at the same time, on different fields.