Ired Blessing

Reflection N° 97 - C.A.F.H.– February, 2010

Some persons have asked me to write a biography of Santiago Bovisio. But it is impossible because the Great Masters are unattainable to mortals. Those who have tried to give an explanation about Great Masters have left nonsensical writings.

Reflection N° 84 - Learning-Teaching-Living

The Master Jesus would teach the people in Palestine, particularly his disciples, always, from the age of thirty, and although his educational activities lasted a short time, his visible work –the Gospel– has transformed the world until today, twenty centuries of unceasing progress.

Reflection N° 51 - The Ired Blessing

Faithful Disciples: The Blessing granted by God to men says: “Divine Mother of the Universe, I beseech your Ired Blessing; through an eternal vote I am united by you with all Sons of Cafh, who were, are and will come .

Reflection N° 57 - The Power of the Great Current

The Ired Blessing says, “Divine Mother of the Universe: I beg your Ired blessing. By you I am united by an eternal vote of union with all those Sons of Cafh, who were, are and will be.

Reflection N° 102 - IRED Blessing

Divine Mother of the Universe: I ask your Ired Blessing. I am united by You to an Eternal Union Vow with all the Sons of Cafh, who were, who are and who will come.

Reflection N° 147 - Circular Ruins

To Héctor V. Morel The World revolves along with its own content: Paris, oceans, Afghanistan war, forests, snowfalls in Boston, men and animals, the Children’s Village, splendors in China, et cetera, from right to left or from left to right, I do not know well, perhaps in both directions at the same time, on different fields.