Holy Order of Fire

Reflection N° 95 - Santiago Bovisio

On 29 September, 2007, a friend of mine asked of me at the Children’s Village a Reflection explaining who Santiago Bovisio is, whose birthday we celebrated that day with a festivity.

Reflection N° 97 - C.A.F.H.– February, 2010

Some persons have asked me to write a biography of Santiago Bovisio. But it is impossible because the Great Masters are unattainable to mortals. Those who have tried to give an explanation about Great Masters have left nonsensical writings.

Reflection N° 53 - The Message

It is only one Message on Renunciation, which has been established by Master Santiago Bovisio in the Holy Order of Fire in the twentieth century, in American land, and communicated to his faithful disciples orally and by writing.