Great Solar Initiate Maitreya

Reflection N° 60 - The Voice of Earth

I am the Earth. In certain peoples I am called Pacha Mama; in other ones, they call me Bumi. I am the Mother of all living beings, plants, animals and men.

Reflection N° 53 - The Message

It is only one Message on Renunciation, which has been established by Master Santiago Bovisio in the Holy Order of Fire in the twentieth century, in American land, and communicated to his faithful disciples orally and by writing.

Reflection N° 108 - Difficulties

As months pass, it is more and more difficult to offer new Reflections. It is easy to write them; one learns this office by experience. But it is difficult to find Aquarian subjects when protagonists remain sunk on turmoil of an ending Race.

Reflection N° 132 - Ethics of Right and Wrong

There is no ethics of right on one side and ethics of wrong on the other. A soul is unitary though changing as to forms and experiences, and when and if it is coherent with itself, such soul will have an unmovable ethics for the opposites, that is to say, right and wrong.

Reflection N° 133 - I Reflect

1930 – World capitalism collapses by finance depression. 1930 – The Soviet Union starts quinquennial plans. 1933 – Roosevelt assumes as President of the United States. 1933 – Hitler is Chancellor of Germany.