Giordano Bruno

Reflection N° 101 - Plural Worlds

Giordano Bruno was a wise man burnt by the Inquisition in the beginning of the Modern Age, in Italy, because he disseminated the doctrine about plurality of the worlds. Many cultures have developed beautiful mythologies and stories about other dimensions of reality and other intelligent men, even Gods: Ancient Egypt, Greece, Assyria, Hindus and Arabians: modern writers and filmmakers: H.

Reflection N° 116 - Personal God

In Mankind, there are Gods everywhere. In some countries, for instance Argentina, these Gods live on top of each other, but they do not speak: they are proud and stay absorbed in their own greatness.

Reflection N° 145 - Euthanasia

From Greek: Eu = good; thanatos = death. Death without suffering and, strictly speaking, death caused voluntarily. I am a fervent defender of euthanasia and, since in our days it is a controversial matter, I shall speak in first person, declaring to be responsible for my ideas.