
Course VII - Teaching 9: Fidelity of Fidelities

Renunciation, offering and love are the Path of the Cafh’s Sons. It is a path of renunciation because takes part in the fundamental law with which Cafh develops the spiritual vocation.

Course VII - Teaching 10: Grades of Fidelity

A usual definition of fidelity is loyalty, observance of our mutual faith; also it is explained as punctuality and accurateness to achieve a thing. At the same time, loyalty also means fulfillment of legal demands of fidelity and honor.

Course IX - Teaching 8: Duties of the Sons

Cafh’s labor particularly influences those souls that form groups of seven Sons each in order to get the spiritual teaching. Each group has its characteristic, labor and mission; thence the Sons of one Table never assemble entirely, but by forming groups, with the exception of certain event or established festivity.

Course IX - Teaching 14: Vows

With extraordinary exceptions, the soul does not keep the mystical fervor with the same intensity. Periodical enthusiasm and discouragement mark the path toward God. The triumph is of those that, despite their state or stage, never lose sight of the forged ideal.

Course XI - Teaching 16: Transmission of the Renunciation Message

The Renunciation Message is transmitted in silence. Silence contains the Son in the Stability Radius, fits it like a clock to the routine of the life and adapts, through outer rigidity and inner immobility, to the automatic rhythm of the existence.