Ethics of Right and Wrong

Reflection N° 111 - To Live in Peace

Master Santiago’s Teachings are of high rank and few persons are able to assume them. Their Canon is a coherent system of traditional wisdom, classified into six parts: Doctrinal Courses, Ascetic Mystic Courses, Courses on History, Philosophical Courses, Esoteric Courses and Courses on Communities.

Reflection N° 132 - Ethics of Right and Wrong

There is no ethics of right on one side and ethics of wrong on the other. A soul is unitary though changing as to forms and experiences, and when and if it is coherent with itself, such soul will have an unmovable ethics for the opposites, that is to say, right and wrong.

Reflection N° 138 - Transmutations

Seven billion people are not concerned on spiritual development or improvement, and willy-nilly conformed to it, they do not know or cannot change; all of them are trudging through jungles of the economy, social disorder and scale of values under the control of big corporations.

Reflection N° 143 - Right and Wrong

We are living on a pair of opposites: day and night, cold and hot, rich persons and poor persons, communists and capitalists, man and woman, sons and parents, war and peace, and at this whirlpool of dead leaves flying furiously on storms of modern civilization, lonely men are seeking refuge.

Reflection N° 147 - Circular Ruins

To Héctor V. Morel The World revolves along with its own content: Paris, oceans, Afghanistan war, forests, snowfalls in Boston, men and animals, the Children’s Village, splendors in China, et cetera, from right to left or from left to right, I do not know well, perhaps in both directions at the same time, on different fields.